Custom Paint by Numbers - Everything You Need to Know
Custom Paint by Number Kits - The Full Story
Creating your own personalised paint by numbers is one of the most creative and interesting products you can create yourself from home. But if you are new to painting by numbers or are a little confused as to what a custom paint by number kit is then this is the right place for you. In this article we are going to go over absolutely everything you need to know about paint by numbers as well as useful tips and tricks to help improve your final painting.
In this article we are going to cover;
- What is a Custom Paint by Numbers
- What Makes them Special
- What sort of Photos can be used
- Useful Tips and Tricks When Painting
- How to create your Own Photo Paint by Numbers
If you have any further questions relating to personalised paint by numbers then please leave a comment down below and I will be sure to answer any questions you may have! If you already know you want to create your own personalised paint by numbers then click here to begin customizing a canvas.
What is a Custom Paint by Numbers?
A custom paint by numbers is exactly what it says it is, you get to create your very own personalised paint by numbers design on a high quality linen canvas. Using your own photo create a unique paint by numbers special to you. You can then paint the canvas yourself according to the numbers on the canvas and the numbers on the paint pots with the kit.

The beauty of our luxury personalised paint by numbers kit is that you can turn literally any picture on your phone or computer into a painting simply by uploading the image onto the product page.
What Makes them Special?
There are several reason's why our custom paint by number kits are special and why you will want to buy one. Down below we have listed the most common reasons for our customers purchasing and loving our paint kits but above all else they are incredibly fun to paint and special and unique to yourself.
Unique - One of the best features of our custom paint by numbers is in the name! They are personalised with the picture you would like to use and therefore your paint by numbers canvas will be the only one of its kind in the entire world! Unless you have an identical twin that you do not know about who chose the same paint by numbers as you.
Affordable - Our personalised paint by numbers are the most affordable paint kits that you can purchase. We love our personalised paint by numbers and that is why we do not want to overcharge for our product. We want as many people as possible to enjoy our custom paint by numbers and therefore we are not going to overcharge for such an amazing product.
Learn and Improve your Painting skill - Have you ever wanted to learn to paint beautiful landscapes or ferocious animals but been to scared to learn? Or maybe you do not have enough money to pay for expensive art lessons. Look no further as our custom paint by numbers are the funnest and most affordable ways to begin to learn to paint. Through painting the numbers you will improve your brush handling ability, stroke control and the ability to identify how much paint is required for certain areas of canvas. If you already have experience with painting then our paint by numbers for adults can help you further your painting ability and become a more confident painter.
Perfect and Thoughtful Gift - As mentioned earlier our personalised paint by number kits are unique and unlike any other painting. They are therefore the one of the most thoughtful and special gifts you can purchase for someone who truly means something to you. Show how special that person is in your life by carefully selecting a special memory in the form of an image and turning it into your own custom paint by numbers. This is the perfect gift for anyone as you simply have to choose an image that means a lot to that one person and you suddenly have a unique and special gift for that person that they will never have received before.
Relaxing - Have you ever wanted to sit down and relax by painting a picture but you do not have a clue what to paint or even how to paint it! Welcome to the wonderful world of paint by numbers. Once you have chosen the painting you would like we take care of the rest. We print the canvas with the correct sections, we mix the paints to complete the painting without you having to life a finger. All you have to do is sit down and paint the numbers according to the numbers on the paint pots, this simplicity means you can paint a wonderful picture without even having to focus on it. Treat your painting sessions as a time to relax, unwind and time for reflection. I personally love sitting down and painting for hours and after my painting session my body and mind feel so refreshed it feels incredible!

Quick Shipping Times - Have you ordered your own image paint by numbers kit in the past and they took weeks to arrive? Same! We offer extremely fast and reliable shipping times. The only part of the process which takes time is the printing of your image onto the linen canvas and the mixing of the paints. Once the painting has been printed and mixed we will then ship the custom paint by numbers kit straight to your door as quickly as possible.
What photos should be turned into Paint Kits?
This is the most iconic and useful concept of personalised paint by numbers and that is the fact you can turn any image into a paint by numbers kit. As long as the image is uploaded correctly on the product page we can then print it onto any sized canvas you would like.
If you want to see a few examples of what our customers have turned into custom paint kits then click here for inspiration.
The most common types of pictures turned into personalised paint kits are;
- Photos of a couple
- Photos of married couples (anniversaries)
- Pictures of favourite pets
- Photo of incredible holiday moments
- Favourite Album Covers
- Photos of celebrities
- Absolutely anything you want!
As you can probably tell from the above list the possibilities of what can be turned into a personalised paint by numbers, your imagination is the limit.
How to create your Own Photo Paint by Numbers
So now you have decided that you want to create your own personalised paint by number kit the next question is how do you actually turn your photograph into a painting kit. Simply follow the steps below and you will have a custom painting kit at your front door in next to no time.
Want to create your own personalised paint by numbers kit? Click here to get started!
Useful tips and tricks when Painting by Numbers
In order for you to complete one of our personalised paint by number kits to the best of your ability I thought I should also provide a few useful tips and tricks that I wish I had known when I completed my first painting kit.
1. Start from the top
This top trick is particularly useful if you are planning on painting for hours and want to avoid smudging your beautiful painting. I wish I had known this simple but useful piece of advice before starting my personalised paint by numbers. Remember this carefully; where you should start painting from will solely depend on which hand you paint with. If you are left-handed (like myself) then you will want to begin painting from the top right corner of the painting and work downwards filling in the sections towards the bottom right of the painting. As you may have guessed if you paint with your right hand then you are going to want to start your custom painting kit from the top left of the canvas and work down towards the bottom left corner. Completing your painting in this way is the best way to reduce the chance of smudging the paints and ruining your painting.
2. Pick any number and remember your number
Once you have worked out which area of the canvas you are going to begin painting it is time to pick a paint and get to work. I recommend picking a number which has large and many sections on the canvas you are painting. This will means you can paint several sections quickly and easily without having to change paints and dirty your brush. Once you have started with one paint try to paint as many sections as you can before changing paints, this way your brush will not get dirtied between different paint pots which could lead to your final custom paint by numbers colour looking a little off as the paints have mixed.
3. Clean your brushes
This is an obvious piece of advice to give when talking about any type of painting, but this cannot be stressed enough, wash and clean your brushes! Especially when you are changing between different paint numbers. It is essential that you give your brushes a wash in a pot of water and make sure there is no paint residue on the brush from the previous paint. If the paints begin to mix the final colour of your personalised paint by numbers will not match the actual colour the painting should be.
Furthermore, once you have finished painting all together make sure you give your brushes one final thorough clean before tidying the brushes away. If you leave paint on the brushes without cleaning it off the paint will dry on the brush hairs. If the paint dries on the paint brush hairs you will no longer be able to use that paint brush as it will be crusty and stiff.
4. The Bigger the Better
When choosing which numbered section to begin painting on your canvas I advise you try to find the bigger sections to start with. Depending on the photo you have chosen for the custom paint by numbers kit this area tends to be the background of the painting. Starting with the bigger sections is a good way to get a feel for the painting and it will also lead to your painting beginning to come to life and you will have a clearer vision of which areas will be which colour. Having this knowledge and understanding of what the final painting will look like will also help to guide you through painting the rest of the canvas. Finally starting with the larger sections will help prevent paint smudges in the future as the large sections will have dried before you paint other sections. You are also less likely to go over the small sections while completing the large sections which will result in a cleaner and more detailed painting when you are finished.
If you want to read our entire list of tips and tricks when completing personalised paint by numbers click here. You do not have to read this but I personally think each tip is extremely useful to know and you may not have thought about it before starting your painting.